SILVER Symbol AG Atomic Number 47 Atomic Mass 107.8682
Melting Point 1,763.20° F 961.78° C Boiling Point 2.162° C
The name SILVER was derived from the Anglo-Saxon word for Siolfur. It is a white, shining metal occurring naturally in its pure, free form. It is commonly alloyed with Gold and other Precious and Base Metals. Silver has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal.
Brief Facts and Calculations on the Coinage Acts in the United States for SILVER, GOLD and COPPER. Google search U.S. Coinage Acts for more detailed history behind the changes in weight and compositions over the years.
Precious Metals are weighed in TROY Weight 12oz equals 1 pound
Math: 1 grain t (troy) = 0.0020833 ounce Troy weight and 1 ozt = 480 grains other Measurements listed below article
The original United States Coinage Act signed on April 2, 1792 established the monetary standard to be a "SILVER" Dollar consisting of 371.25 grains of pure Silver or .0773437 oz Troy weight. The exchange rate was to be 15 parts Silver (371.25 grains t) to equal 1 part Gold (24.75 grains or 0.0515625 oz Troy weight) this was the PAR 15:1 Ratio Value (market price) between SILVER and GOLD (known as "Eagles" and "valued in" dollars and this is known as BIMETALLISM System of coinage (dual monies). However, with the used of Copper Coins it was really a TRIMETALLIC System made of 15 oz of Silver equal to 1 oz of Gold or 1,066.667 oz of Copper.
Soon after the passage of the 1792 Coinage Act, the market price of GOLD rose and it remained higher than par 15:1 ratio until the second major Coinage Act enacted on June 28, 1834 raised the par value from 16 parts of SILVER to equal 1 part GOLD or stated as 16:1 ratio. The Silver price was $1.29 per ounce and Gold was equivalent to $20.67 per ounce. This became a huge problem in the following years.
The SILVER Coins were called:
Dollar ($1.00 face value) ~ contains 371.25 grains pure Silver, Half Dollar (.50 face) ~ 185.625 grains pure Silver, Quarter Dollar (.25 face) ~ 92.8125 grains pure Silver, Disme (.10 face) ~ 37.125 grains pure Silver and Half Disme (.05 face) ~ 18.5625 grains pure Silver.
The GOLD Coins were called:
Eagle ($10.00 face value) ~ contains 247.5 grains pure Gold, Half Eagle ($5.00 face) ~ 123.75 grains pure Gold and Quarter Eagle ($2.50 face) ~ 61.875 grains pure Gold. The Coinage Act of 1834 also regulated the standard Gold coins to be 11 parts pure Gold to 1 part alloy of Silver and or Copper with no more than 1/2 Silver, which produced 91.67% or 22K pure Gold Coins. In 1837 the U.S. Coinage Act changed the ratio to 900:100 or 90% purity for Gold and Silver Coins alloyed with 10% pure Copper.
The COPPER Coins were called:
One Cent (.01 face value) ~ contains 11 pennyweight or 263.97 grains pure Copper and Half Cent (.005 face) ~ 5.5 pennyweight or 131.985 grains pure Copper. SEE the COPPER PAGE for more information on COPPER and the Copper Cents.
By 1834, the fractional coins began disappearing from circulation against the value at the time of $1.00 in GOLD equaling $1.06 in SILVER, because for the first 42 years the U.S. Mint had overvalued the SILVER against GOLD. Since the SILVER Coins bought more GOLD as Bullion than their face value, speculators were melting the small denomination (Half Dimes through Half Dollars) coins. The SILVER Dollar coins had already disappeared from daily circulation.
The Coinage Act approved on March 3, 1849 allowed for the mintage of 2 new denominations of Gold Coins, the $1.00 (.04837 ozt of 90% pure Gold) and the $20.00 (.9675 ozt of 90% pure Gold) or known as the Double Eagle and continued with the other Gold denominated coins.
By 1853 with the shortage of fractional coins in circulation the MINT ACT enacted on February 21, 1853 by Congress authorized the Mint to reduce the SILVER content by 6.91% in Half Dollars, Quarter Dollars, Dimes and Half Dimes, so $1.00 face value of the fractional coins (90%) would contain 0.72338 oz of pure Silver, thus making it not profitable to melt, hoard or export these denominations, and small change started circulating once again. whereas, the Silver Dollar ($1 face) would retain its 0.77344 ozt pure Silver from the original 1792 Coinage Act.
This is why today one U.S. MORGAN or PEACE Silver Dollar (90%) has a little over 3/4 ozt of pure SILVER (0.77344 actual Troy weight or 371.25 grains) and One Dollar value of pre 1965 (90%) Dimes, Quarters or Half Dollars (mixed or match) has a little under 3/4 ozt of pure SILVER (0.72338 actual Troy weight or 347.22 grains).
To continue, the Coinage Act approved on February 21, 1857 banned ALL foreign coins (many Spanish Coins) from trading as legal tender in the United States and also discontinued the Half Cent and the Large One Cent piece was reduced in sized to the current modern sized with the issuance of the Flying Eagle Cent.
Sadly, the Coinage Act signed into law on February 12, 1873 made Gold the only Metallic standard (Gold Standard) in the United States and demonetized Silver to a weaker role.
The Coinage Act approved on July 23, 1965 eliminated the Silver from circulating Dimes and Quarter Dollars, and it decreased the Silver content of Half Dollars from 90% to 40% (1965 -1970). After 1970 there is NO Silver in any U.S. circulating coins. In the years 1971 to 1974 the U.S. Mint produced 40% Silver IKE Dollars in a Proof version (original Brown Box package) and an Uncirculated version (original Blue envelope). In 1976 (for the Bicentennial ) the Mint produced both a 3 coin Proof and Uncirculated Set that each contained a 40% Silver Dollar, 40% Half Dollar and a 40% Quarter Dollar for collectors (these are the only 40% Silver Quarters made from the U.S. Mint). Note the IKE Dollars were struck from 1971 - 1978 and ALL circulated business strike coins are Copper / Nickel ONLY (Be Careful of what you BUY). Since then there have been some Silver 90% Proof Sets that have the Half Dollar, Quarter Dollar and Dime again produced for collectors. I should note also there are many U.S. older and modern Commemorative 90% Silver Coins produced in Sets and Singles (Do your Homework).
The U.S. Mint has been producing 1 ozt (480 grains troy) American Silver Eagles since 1986 (30 years and counting) of .9993 pure Silver in both Uncirculated and Proof versions (except for NO Proof Eagles in 2009), these are for Collectors and Investors (known as BULLION Rounds) and never were intended for general circulation even with a stated $1.00 face value on them, they trade with the SPOT price of SILVER.
To equal 1+ Troy ounces in United States Silver Uncirculated or Proof Coinage you would need: (ozt stands for Troy ounce)
18 War Nickels 1942 -1945 (35%) Silver * .056265 each = 1.01277 ozt Roll of 40 Unc / Proof = 2.251 ozt
07 Half Dollars 1965 - 1970 (40%) Silver * .147920 each = 1.03544 ozt Roll of 20 Unc / Proof = 2.984 ozt
04 Ike Dollars 1971 - 1974 & 1976 (40%) Silver Unc / Proof * .31623 = 1.26492 ozt Roll of 20 Unc / Proof = 6.3246 ozt
14 pre 1965 Dimes (90%) Silver * .072340 each = 1.01276 ozt Roll of 50 Unc / Proof = 3.617 ozt
06 pre 1965 Quarters (90%) Silver * .180840 each = 1.08504 ozt Roll of 40 Unc / Proof = 7.234 ozt
03 pre 1965 Half Dollars (90%) Silver * .361690 each = 1.08507 ozt Roll of 20 Unc / Proof = 7.234 ozt
Both Morgan Dollars and Peace Dollars have .77344 ozt Roll of 20 Unc.= 15.469 ozt
A note about 90% "Junk Silver" pre 1965 Dimes, Quarters and Half Dollars are usually quoted as 715 ozt per $1,000.00 face value or broken down $1.00 face equals 0.715 ozt pure Silver or 343.2000367 grains troy. This has been the generally accepted given weight because of the wear on the coins from being in circulation over a period of time.
To find Silver Spot Price equivalent of 90% Coin Silver, you simply take the multiple of face and divide by .715 examples: 16 X face / .715 = $22.38 18.5 X face / .715 = $25.88 per ounce 20 X face / .715 = $27.97 per ounce and so on
Hopefully, this helps clear up any questions as to what $1.00 of 90% U.S. face value silver weighs in their respected denominations. This is a general overview, please do your own research for more history and knowledge of any U.S. Coin or Bullion units.
Currently, the total history of all the SILVER mined is estimated to equal a 55 meter cube, which equals 166,375 cubic meters, which equals 56 Billion Troy Ounces and of that there are ONLY 500 Million Ounces left to be mined. Of the 1,740,000+ metric tonnes of SILVER discovered to date, 55% is found in only 4 countries (Peru, Mexico, China and Australia). ALL the Silver discovered thus far would fit into a cube 61 yards on each side.
1 metric ton (tonne) = 1,000 kilograms = 32,150.7466 troy oz = 2,679.23 troy lbs = 35,273.96 AV oz = 2,204.6 AV lbs
NOTE: A ton of SILVER or GOLD always means a Metric Ton
2014 Top Producing SILVER Countries based on silver investing news report.
1. Mexico 151,108,509 troy ounces
2. China 135,033,135 troy ounces
3. Peru 118,957,762 troy ounces
4. Australia 61,086,418 troy ounces
5. Russia 54,656,269 troy ounces
6. Bolivia 41,795,970 troy ounces
7. Chile 38,580,895 troy ounces
8. Poland 38,580,895 troy ounces
9. United States 37,616,373 troy ounces
10. Canada 20,769,382 troy ounces
2013 Top Producing SILVER Countries
1. Mexico 169.7 million ounces
2. Peru 118.1 million ounces
3. China 118.0 million ounces
4. Australia 59.2 million ounces
5. Russia 45.4 million ounces
6. Bolivia 41.2 million ounces
7. Chile 39.2 million ounces
8. Poland 37.6 million ounces
9. United States 35.0 million ounces
10. Argentina 24.7 million ounces
Top 10 countries total production = 688.1 million ounces
2012 Top Producing SILVER Countries
1. Mexico 172.3 million ounces
2. China 113.1 million ounces
3. Peru 111.9 million ounces
4. Australia 55.5 million ounces
5. Russia 45.0 million ounces
6. Poland 41.3 million ounces
7. Bolivia 39.7 million ounces
8. Chile 37.0 million ounces
9. United States 34.1 million ounces
10. Argentina 24.3 million ounces
Top 10 countries total production = 674.2 million ounces
2011 Top Producing SILVER Countries
1. Mexico 152.8 million ounces
2. Peru 109.8 million ounces
3. China 103.9 million ounces
4. Australia 55.2 million ounces
5. Chile 42.1 million ounces
6. Poland 40.8 million ounces
7. Russia 40.0 million ounces
8. Bolivia 39.0 million ounces
9. United States 36.0 million ounces
10. Argentina 22.6 million ounces
Top 10 countries total production = 642 million ounces
info from the Silver Institute
2010 Silver production came from as a byproduct of:
23% Copper Mining
35% Zinc and Lead Mining
12% Gold Mining
30% pure Silver Mining
Convert AV oz to Troy oz X by .91146
1 grain = .0648 grams
1 gram = 15.4324 grains
1 gram = .03215 troy oz = .643 dwt
1 troy oz = 20 pennyweight (dwt)
1 pennyweight (dwt) = .05 troy oz = 1.555 grams
1 Avoidupois (AV) oz = .91150 troy oz
1/2 AV lb = 8 AV oz = 7.29 troy oz
1 troy oz = 1.097142857 AV oz
1 troy oz = 480 grains (gr) or 31.1034768 grams (g)
1 AV oz = 437.50 grains (gr) or 28.3495 grams (g)
1 troy lb = 12 troy oz = 240 dwt = 373.2417216 g = 5,760 gr
1 AV lb = 16 Av oz = 256 dwt = 453.59237 g = 7,000 gr
1 cubic centimeter = 10.5 grams
1 cubic inch = 5.5326 troy oz
1 cubic foot = 9,549 troy oz
1 cubic meter = 10,500 kilograms = 10.5 metric tonnes
1 kilogram (KG) = 2.2 lbs. (AV) = 35.27 oz AV
1 Lakh = 100,000 oz used in international precious metals market such as Gold and Silver
1 metric ton (tonne) = 1,000 kilograms = 32,150.7466 troy oz = 2,679.23 troy lbs = 35,273.96 AV oz = 2,204.6 AV lbs
NOTE: A ton of SILVER or GOLD always means a Metric Ton
1 Moz (1 million troy ounces) = 31.103 t (metric tons)
1 ton = 1,000,000 grams (g)
1 imperial ton (long ton) = 1,016.5 kg = 32,666.67 troy oz = 2,722.2 troy lbs = 35,840 AV oz = 2,240 AV lbs
1 AV short Ton = 907.4 kg = 29,166.67 troy oz = 2,430.56 troy lbs = 32,000 AV oz = 2,000 AV lbs.
Currently the United States in 2009 (according to the Silver Institute) mined 36.7 million Troy ounces and these 14 states have operating mines that contain SILVER (Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming.
Is SILVER money? Yes, it's divisible, durable, convenient, consistent, has utility value and cannot be created by FIAT. It is Honest Commodity MONEY! Fiat Paper Currency has ALWAYS returned to its INTRINSIC Value - ZERO! Check your Dictionary, in mine the word "Fiat Money" (paper currency issued by a governments' decree) comes just above the word "FIB" (to tell a LIE).
According to there are approximately 454 notes in an AV lb and 375 notes in a Troy lb.
Nowhere did it or the Constitution allow for a "Fiat" paper dollar. Paper money is an ILLUSION. Politicians like to inflate the money supply, because it gives its citizens the illusion of prosperity and its declared monied value is much greater than the cost of producing the Fiat paper. Today it cost the U.S. treasury about 4 cents to produce either a $1 bill or a $100 bill in fiat currency. They can't do the same with Real Commodity Money being produced with Silver / Gold.
SILVER and GOLD are the "NEW" Old Money, having a GOLD / SILVER Standard takes the power to create Money and Credit out of the Politicians and Federal Reserve "Hands". Throughout the history of mankind, there have been more than a Thousand colorful FIAT Currencies and they ALL share one common trait, NONE have ever survived. You can bank on the U.S. Dollar not surviving either in its present format.
According to the 2009 Silver Institute the World population was about 6.8 Billion people (in 2011 the population of the World past the 7 Billion people mark) and the total Silver supply was 889 million Troy ounces. Divide the Silver ounces by the World's population and you will come up with .13 T oz of Silver produced for every person on the planet or a little less than 2 pre 1965 (90% Silver) U.S. Dimes. World OIL production per capita in 2009 was 190 Gallons for every person on the planet.
Between the years 1971 to 1980 (9 years) the price of Silver increased by 39. In 1971 it traded at $1.27 per oz. thus, Multiply $1.27 by 39 = $49.53. the top price in Jan 1980 was $49.45 per oz. Therefore, inflation-adjusted Silver would need to be trading around $387.00 per oz. to have the same purchasing value as then. Will it ever get to that price? You will have to do your homework and decide for yourself a proper value for Silver in today's market place. I think Hyperinflation will make both SILVER and GOLD the one constant in holding their values against any and all of mankind's paper currencies. We will see.
Additional Info on SILVER:
Good Infographics on the SILVER Series
Good Infographics on the SILVER Series
Misc. Information: A 100 oz SILVER Bar weighs 6.86 lbs (T) ~ LEAD will weigh 8.1% more or approx 7.42 lbs (T) When dropped or hit SILVER will have a ring or pinging sound ~ LEAD will not ring but have a dull thud sound. So be careful when buying 100 oz Bars. Be c A 1000 oz SILVER Bar weighs about 68 Troy lbs. +/- 10%
American Silver Eagles: Currently:
Lowest PROOF S Mint Mark - 2012 S 281,792 minted
Lowest PROOF P Mint Mark - 1994 P 372,168 minted
Lowest PROOF W Mint Mark - 1995 W 30,102 minted
Total PROOF to date - 19,676,653
Lowest Reverse PROOF S Mint Mark -2012 S 224,935
Lowest Reverse PROOF P Mint Mark - 2011 P 99,935
Lowest Reverse PROOF W Mint Mark - 2013 W 235,689
American Silver Eagles: Currently:
Lowest PROOF S Mint Mark - 2012 S 281,792 minted
Lowest PROOF P Mint Mark - 1994 P 372,168 minted
Lowest PROOF W Mint Mark - 1995 W 30,102 minted
Total PROOF to date - 19,676,653
Lowest Reverse PROOF S Mint Mark -2012 S 224,935
Lowest Reverse PROOF P Mint Mark - 2011 P 99,935
Lowest Reverse PROOF W Mint Mark - 2013 W 235,689
Total REVERSE PROOF - 809,381
Total PROOF and Reverse PROOF - 20,486,034
Lowest PROOF and Reverse PROOF - 1996 W 30,102
"If the Globalist had to abandon all goals except one, it would be to keep smothering SILVER!" Charles Savorie ~ The Silver Stealers "Whenever the destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men's protection and the base of moral existence. Destroyers seize Gold / Silver and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper." Ayn Rand
"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking." George S. Patton, Jr.
Did you know: 1 cubic foot of Silver weighs approximately 655 lbs, whereas 1 cubic foot of Gold weighs more than half a ton.
Also, according the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, the average GOLD concentration in the Earth's crust is .004 g/t (grams / Metric Tones) and for SILVER it is .075 g/t. That means that SILVER is 18.75 (.075/.004) times more abundant than GOLD. So for example, if GOLD is priced at $1,100.00 per ounce, SILVER should be priced at $58.67 per ounce.
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