Why Invest?


      "GOOD Money should be effective as a store of value, a medium of exchange as well as a unit of account.  In order for money to be effective in the above it has to have the following properties:

     *  Divisible - should be divisible into smaller units
     *  Portable - able to carry it around therefore a high value should be able to be contained in a small space and weight
     *  Homogenous - one unit should be the same as any other unit
     *  Durable - should not be able to be easily destroyed or eroded
     * Valuable - should have intrinsic value, normally because it is desirable.  Should not be able to be created or discovered without reasonable effort.  Normally a commodity itself."

A Few FAMOUS Quotes and Information:

      "The Constitution of the United States is a contract between individuals that created a separate entity called government, where within it, the contract explains how this entity is to function.  The government is the servant of the people and the top level of government, is the citizenry.  The contract's validity supporting government's existence, only exists for as long as it maintains the contract, because its legitimacy is ONLY derived from the consent of the governed." 


     "Knowledge with Action is Power"

     "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money"

     "Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not"

     "A general rule of thumb, every $1 Trillon of Fresh Debt issued by the treasury equates with a $125 per ounce increase in the price of Gold."

     " Paper is Poverty... it is the ghost of Money, NOT Money itself."

     "DEMOCRACY is two Wolves and a Lamb voting on what to have for lunch, LIBERTY is a well armed Lamb contesting the vote."

     The first U.S. paper notes (fractional dollars) were printed in 1862 to make up for a shortage of coins and to help finance the Civil War, it has been down hill ever since. 

     Definition FIAT Money
"Currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, despite the fact that it has no intrinsic value and is not backed by reserves.  Historically, most currencies were based on physical commodities such as Gold or Silver, but Fiat money is based solely on faith."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency_war                  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodity_money

     51 years in 1961, a $1 U.S. Paper Note was and still is valued as a 2011, $1 U.S. Paper Note and in 1961 U.S. 90% Silver Coins were in circulation as Money.
However, if you had kept $1 U.S. 90% Silver Half Dollars, Quarters or Dimes from 1961, based on 11-11-11 "Spot Silver price" of $34.73 your value for that $1 in silver would equal $25.13 in today's U.S. paper dollars.  Which would you rather hold as Money, Paper or Silver?

     Question: Which is better to BUY: Physical Gold / Silver or Mining Stock Shares???

     My preference is BUY the physical metal, taking possession because you can hold the finished product in your hands and you can instantly see the beauty, purity & exact weight of what you own (NO Surprises, you either BUY it or pass on the deal offered at that time).

     When you BUY shares of a mining company you run all the RISK involved in the mining of the metal, the company's management team, raising capital to explore for the ore, leasing the site, dealing with all the governmental permits and environmental rules & regulations, foreign governments (can take years for final approvals). Next comes building roads to the site, putting up all the necessary buildings, bringing in the drilling equipment & heavy machinery, hiring expert labor, insurance premiums, refining / smelting cost, transportation cost and so on. Also, you have to know the spot pricing of the metals and do feasibility studies to see if you can mine the ore at a profit for all the risk you have to incur before making a profit.

     For me, I want to have the control of BUYING and SELLING the finished product when I want to without outside RISKS that I can't control. For me holding the Hard Asset is much better than a slip of paper.

                                     Did You Know?     Currently (2009) there are:
177 currencies being used around the world today
609 currencies that no longer circulate
53 of those were destroyed as a result of HYPERINFLATION caused by over-issuance
Zimbabwe printed a $100,000,000,000,000 (One Hundred TRILLION Dollar Note) the largest so far

19% of World currencies have been destroyed by hyperinflation
23% of World currencies exist TODAY
58% of World currencies NO longer are in use

     BUY the METALS not PAPER they have always stood the test of time

     It is said:  GOLD is the MONEY of MONARCHS, SILVER is the MONEY of GENTLEMEN,
    "GOLD is the sweat of the Sun, SILVER is the tears of the Moon." INCA Proverb
"If you want Privacy"
"If you want out of the Banksters System"
"If you want money that has never Failed"
"If you want Money for the Collapse of the Dollar"
                                                           credit given to Sons of Liberty Academy

                                                             Are you a BULLION BULL?


       YEARLY HIGH / LOW SILVER PRICES since 2004   basis: London PM  Silver ClosesHigh                 HIGH            Low                 LOW             Price         Days between     GAIN /               Price difference                     Following
Date                  Price       -     Date          =    Price   =   Difference   HIGH & LOW     LOSS %       following HIGH from LOW       GAIN %

04-02-04         $  8.29          05-10-04       $  5.50          $  2.80               39                  -33.72%                     $  3.73                               67.88%

12-12-05           $  9.23          01-04-05       $  6.39          $  2.84              343                  30.73%                     $  8.55                              133.80%

05-12-06          $14.94          01-06-06      $  8.83          $  6.11               127                   40.90%                     $  6.99                               79.16%

11-07-07           $15.82          08-21-07      $ 11.67           $  4.15                79                   26.23%                     $  9.25                                79.26%

03-17-08          $20.92         10-24-08      $  8.88           $ 12.04            222                 -57.55%                      $10.30                             115.99%

12-02-09          $19.18          01-15-09       $ 10.51           $  8.67             322                   45.20%                     $ 20.19                             192.10%

12-30-10          $30.70          02-08-10      $15.14           $ 15.56            326                   50.68%                     $33.56                            221.66%

04-28-11          $48.70          12-29-11        $26.16          $22.54            246                 -46.28%                     $11.07                               42.32%

02-29-12          $37.23          07-12-12       $26.67          $10.56             135                 -28.36%                      $  5.56                               20.85%

01-23-13           $32.23         06-27-13       $18.61           $13.62             156                 -42.26%                      $  3.44                               29.07%

02-24-14           $22.05          11-06-14        $15.28           $6.77              255                  -30.7%                        $2.95
01-23-15             $18.23             12-14-15          $13.71             $4.52                 325                     -24.7%                      


 "When Gold/Silver used to be the backing behind the U.S. Dollar, prior to the privately owned Federal Reserve usurping the constitutionally mandated control of the money supply only by Congress, people were independent of, and not reliant upon, the government.  There was no unemployment insurance, no social security, no social safety nets for the public.  This is why Gold/Silver are so despised by the elites.  People do not need the government when they have independent wealth in Gold and Silver.  Enter the elites and the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 leading to the elimination of specie-backing and elimination of the U.S. dollar, replaced by the now totally FIAT Federal Reserve Note, deceptively called a "dollar" by the Fed, even though by law FRN's are not dollars but instruments of debt.  The purpose of removing Gold/Silver was to get rid of the public's ability to have wealth (physical Gold/Silver) and independence from government influences.  Now, with no Gold/Silver, (no wealth), the duped American public has become dependent on useless fiat, credit, and government handouts.  Both Gold/Silver are a means of economic freedom and independence from the de facto corporate federal government doing everything it can to enslave the country."  Noonan

I can't say it enough about converting as many FIAT FRN's to Gold/Silver to preserve your WEALTH.  If you rely totally on any Government for your well being, GOOD LUCK.

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